Category: Training

Scoutbook’s Leader Invite Process to Change

Effective March 1, 2021, Scoutbook’s leader invite process will perform a check for a BSA issued Member ID and active BSA registration when being invited to connect with the unit roster. Prior to March 1, unit leaders should check their

Scouting U Modules Implement New Software

Scouting U is always looking for the latest in technology and tools to make learning the best it can be for its audience. Recently, the modules implemented a new and improved computer-generated audio software that is much more natural sounding

BSA Introduces Distinguished Conservation Service Award

Conservation and the Boy Scouts of America have been partners for a long time. Camping, hiking, and respect for the outdoors are a part of the Scouting heritage. Many of the requirements for advancement from Tenderfoot through the Eagle Scout

Training Offered for Youth Leaders

In response to the needs of youth leaders in troops and crews, Scouting U has released two new virtual training programs for Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), and Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC). These new temporary instructional training programs are

Remember Safety During Eagle Scout Projects

Easing COVID-19 restrictions now permits in-person unit activities under carefully monitored practices to ensure the safety of all participants. It is important that adult unit leaders take care that Eagle Scout service projects are carried out according to these same