PPC Adventures – The Fun Never Stops

PPC Adventure Programs continues to offer a wide array of fun and exciting supplemental programming for Scouts of all ages.  This past Saturday weekend Oct. 28, there were plenty of activities:

  • Cub Scouts Rockets at Watchung Reservation – Approximately 16 Cub Scouts took advantage of great weather to build and launch rockets under the supervision of volunteer Scott Kuperman.
  • Merit Badges at Camp Somers and Winnebago – As part of our ongoing program of merit badges, 10 Scouts completed the First Aid MB at Camp Somers with counselor Deb Reidmiller. Another 8 Scouts began the Welding MB at WSR with counselor Charlie Sonzogni. This year Scouts have had over 50 merit badge opportunities with over 500 registrations.
  • Camp Somers Camp Programs – Several troops participated in rifle, shotgun, and archery troop shoots; earned Climbing MB on the rockface, and built a monkey bridge at Backwoods Engineering. Special thanks to Range personnel: Paul Grzywacz, Taylor Holeczko, Rich Rousso, Dave Depczynski, and Rick Raymond. The Climbing team was led by Emily Locke, with Kim Monka and Ryan McWalters. The Backwoods Engineering as always was under the supervision of Carl Zipper.