PPC Chess Club Continues to Grow

Patriots’ Path Council has been hosting online chess tournaments for Scouts monthly since the onset of the pandemic, and more than 1,700 games have been completed.

Chess, already a popular pursuit among Scouts (the second most popular merit badge not required for Eagle), has seen a real boost this year.

Players of all skill levels compete in these tournaments in a safe and friendly online environment. A live Zoom call is hosted during the tournament where Scouts can meet and chat about their games, get help with any technical issues, and review their play with adult advisors and Chess merit badge counselors.

The Patriots’ Path Council Chess Club now boasts more than 40 members, and averages about 15 players at its monthly online tournaments on chesskid.com on the fourth Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. The club recognizes the top finishers in each month’s tournament with a certificate. Future ambitions include additional monthly meetings for instruction, socializing and friendly matches – and of course, a return to over-the-board competition when conditions allow.

The game of kings has long dovetailed perfectly with the Scouting program, teaching concentration, critical thinking and sportsmanship, and Patriots Path has had great success extending it online. This has provided an 85-point increase in its average chess rating!  New members are always welcome – sign up here, or contact Tom Andrea at [email protected].